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"Intermittent Fasting"

Time Restricted Eating: FAQ

A relatively new area of research has recently discovered the incredible health benefits to eating only a few hours every day.  The idea is to limit your window of consuming any calories to 12 hours or even less, thus giving your body 12 hours or more of time fasting.  Giving your body this fasting period may not only force your body to use other sources for energy than the sugar and calories in your food (so burning your fat etc.) but also will give the body a chance to focus on repairing damage at the cellular level giving many health benefits beyond just weight loss.  From Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s ( research, time restricted eating can lead to : •    decreased fat mass •    increased lean muscle mass •    improved glucose tolerance •    improved lipid profile •    reduced inflammation •    higher mitochondrial volume •    protection from mild-age related fatty liver •    protection from obesity •    generally favorable improvements in gene expression •    Increased production of ketone bodies, which is interesting for another reason we’ll get back to in a minute Time-restricted eating also has a growing body of research in humans. Recent studies suggest that… •    Eating within an 11-hour window was associated with a decreased breast cancer risk and reduction in recurrence by as much as 36%. •    Earlier meal timing associates with improved effectiveness of weight-loss therapy in overweight and obese patients. •    For each 3-hour increase in nighttime fasting duration was linked to a 20% lower odds of elevated glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C), which is a more long-term marker of blood glucose levels. •    For each 10% increase in the proportion of calories consumed after 5pm there was a 3% increase in the inflammatory biomarker c-reactive protein otherwise known as CRP. •    Eating one additional meal during the day (instead of the evening) was associated with an 8% decrease in CRP. Eating within a 12-hour window improved sleep and increased weight loss in normal weight people. Who wouldn’t want these benefits?  Give it a try as it may finally make the difference you need in your health and for your weight struggles.

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